A Car Ride Driven Topless Taken Alone Reminds Major City Thoroughfares Of Their Contracting Hopes As They Pass, To Carry The Breasts Of The Driver
Sandy Brown, Berlin October 20 - November 17 2012
A Car Ride Driven Topless Taken Alone Reminds Major City Thoroughfares Of Their Contracting Hopes As They Pass, To Carry The Breasts Of The Driver, 2012, Digital C-print, wood frame, 26.5 x 21.5 cm UniqueInterfacing (pink), 2012, Oil, Interfacing fabric, aluminum, steel wire, 170 × 92 cm UniqueInterfacing (yellow), 2012, Oil, Interfacing fabric, aluminum, steel wire, 167 × 92 cm UniqueImpression (arm, ass & tail), 2012, Digital C-Print mounted on aluminum, 59 × 29 cm Unique